Weather changes...
Now I'm not much into cold weather but, with the SoCal heat wave and drought we're in, I'm all for it. Luckily I got to take a break from it during my recent trip to Seattle (posts to come!) where we got a little taste of fall weather. The leaves were beginning to change colors and hints of autumn were starting to appear. It gave off positive vibes to explore more - walk more - as we made our way through the city. We even randomly took a ride on the Seattle Ferris Wheel - total tourist moment (haha)! They say we travel to not escape from life but for life to not escape from us and they are right. It's about being able to experience things outside your regular routine and opening up your vision to embrace new things. So c'mon and let's find new places to discover!
What are you excited for fall? With 10 degrees of cooler temperatures in Seattle, the city called for light layering and it was fun to be able to put aside my summer wardrobe and enjoy the change in season.
{TRAVEL TIP: When packing for travel, pick pieces that you can mix and match and create different outfits. It helps to save on luggage space.}

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